Month: June 2011

  • Wind Turbines Drop Home Values

    As great a concept for green energy as wind turbines are, they don’t appear to be benefiting the value of homes located near them. “Wind Turbines are having a serious effect on house values in Grey County and would do the same in Huron County. This from Grey County realtor Mike McMurray at the Community…

  • Wind Turbine Market Slowdown

    It seems that even the wind turbine industry isn’t immune to the recession. What started off with great promise has now slowed to a crawl. A capacity bubble in the wind turbine industry combined with lower natural gas prices has all contributed to stalled growth. Things are predicted to get worse for the wind turbine…

  • Wind Turbine Photo Essay

    Bay area photographer, Scott Chenis is creating a photo essay featuring the wind farms of California. Mr. Chrenis has been working on this project for the past four years and has found a great source of inspiration in the wind turbines of California. “Wind power is plentiful, renewable and sustainable,” said Scott Chernis. “Wind turbines…